Tuesday, February 5, 2013

わたしは日本脳炎の予防注射をでぃました! (I've been vaccinated against Japanese Encephalitis!)

Well, not fully. I still have until March 1st until I get the second, and final, shot in the series. However, because of the generation and efforts of my friends and family, I'll be able to pay for that nearly $400 shot come March, actually come now!

You may have noticed the GoFundMe widget on the side of my blog these two days and now it's all resolved. Thank you Cassie, Mary, Lauren, Aunt Cindy, Kim, and Mrs. Filbert! I am so grateful and I with think of your gifts as I travel through Japan.

Ah, I'm still in shock to be honest; I've been very emotional about this and nearly cried after every donation. There's a lot of fundraising left to be done and I'm working hard with amazing support so that I can spend my exchange knowing I'm okay to ride the train and visit my sister Yo in Osaka, see the students in FG's sister city Nyuzen, or go out to karaoke with friends after school. Everything is going to be so much fun and I feel at home with the other students in my group, I don't think I've been this excited for anything in my life since I watched the first episode of Adventure Time.


If you would like to donate to my exchange, please check out my donation page! Thank you!

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My dad is going to see this and he's an ex marine, so be nice.