Hello everyone! I'm writing to you as I prep to leave for AFS camp in 15 minutes, it's going to be four days of fun and chatter with the other exchange students in the Nagoya area. Although I'm sad I will be missing my Kendo club's camp (same days,) I am happy to be seeing the friends I made at orientation that aren't in my area.
Speaking of Kendo, I am still fundraising for my equipment. I will go buy them at the shop when I get home on Friday, so please help me out! I'd like to thank my Uncle Bryan and my cousin Chris for giving me $130 of the $200 I need, I am so grateful. Only $70 left to go! Here are some photos from a tournament my clubmates did last Friday:
My clubmates (Senior girls) are judging this match! |
The Girl's team putting on their armor. |
Everyone warming up together before the matches began. |
So, please remember to share my post and my blog, and I'll be back soon! Bye~
I have really wanted to be an exchange student and this makes me want to be one even more!!!!!! :3 thank you :)